August 1, 2008

I live in Mayberry

People tend to ask me what it's like to live in a small farming community and most of the time I just say "it's nice" but I finally have an example of what it's really like.

On Wednesday I picked up my mail at the post office and I had a letter from the Court Clerk. It basically stated that they hadn't received my jury summons questionnaire back and that they would need it back before my scheduled court time on Monday morning.


This letter had actually been forwarded from my old address. When we moved here we lived in town but now we live in the country and have a PO Box. So, I got this second letter but never received the original summons and I was expected to be in court on Monday morning.

There was a phone number so I called and talked to the lovely Court Clerk who was extremely friendly. She needed this questionnaire back as soon as possible.

Wouldn't you know it... she had an appointment in town, she just brought that questionnaire by my office and had me fill it out that afternoon.

Now I don't know about you but I was a bit flabbergasted that a county official would personally bring me something like that. I realize she needed it filled out so she took the initiative but I couldn't help but think it just wouldn't happen that way in many other places.

And that's what it's like around here.

FYI - Breastfeeding mothers get out of jury duty in case anyone needs an excuse and has a doctor that will send a note. I'm sure that's not a rule specific to my location. I wouldn't have even known if she hadn't suggested meeting me on my lunch hour and I had to explain that I went and nursed Taylor on my lunch hours.

"Oh really, you can't be on a jury right now anyway! Nope, that's more important. You just need to check off the medical question. I'll stop by after my appointment"

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