August 1, 2008

Out in the Heartland....

I had a hard time with the title. You know I did. It couldn't have been anything normal like... Hangin' with the Hoke's or something. At any rate, we are out in the heartland so this fits. I did have a moment when I thought "Children of the Corn" might be funny but then I've never actually seen the movie and perhaps I shouldn't joke about something potentially scary involving corn. I am surrounded by corn. I don't want to have to think about it when I go to bed at night. Maybe I should rent the movie.

This site was born out of the need for me to find a less time consuming way to share pictures and stories about my kids (and us big kids too). It's amazing what the birth of a baby will do to picture hounds and their constant desire for new material. I simply forget who I've sent things to. This way I don't have to worry about it.

So, I'll start posting and maybe you'll keep reading. I might try to share some older pictures as well for fun.

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