August 15, 2008

Spongebob... the girl kitty

Ryley brought home two kitties from his last trip to Wyoming. They apparently had 9 kitties running around and we needed some mousers.

Ryley wanted to name this one Spongebob but since they are girl kitties, we convinced him that Sandy was perhaps a better name. Still revolving around the Spongebob theme, but more gender appropriate.

When we got them out of the box, I was rubbing Sandy's head on the bottom of Taylor's foot just to see what she would do. I think she liked the sensation but I'm not sure she realizes that her foot is in fact attached to her body yet. Sometimes she still seems really confused by things touching her feet.

The other kitty is all black. It became my unfortunate job to name the critter but I'm really bad at animal names. I'm still undecided almost a month later but mom suggested "Coal". When I mentioned it to Ryley, he really liked it. Secretly I will probably call it something else. No pictures of Coal yet. She's sort of shy.

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